Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Oh my goodness, we actually did it. It worked this time! It actually worked!! We voted Barack Obama into the White House!

I did a programme with the Res Hall tonight for the elections, and we've all been up ALL NIGHT watching election coverage all together in the common room lounge, and talking, watching old Colbert Report and Daily Show clips, guessing how the states would fall, and keeping track of the electoral votes as they came in. It was the most amazing experience, to be with all these students who were voting in their first presidential election, and to see them get so excited about what was going on. It reminded me so much of our first election, with the vital difference of having an exclamation of joy at the end of it all. Most of my kids will be up all night, some of them went to take naps after the West Coast was called, but all of them came by to watch and experience the election. I'll be starting coffee for them at 7am, and we have some breakfast snacks to keep them going through the morning on their way to classes. Since we didn't know how long it would take for us to know what the score was, we didn't know how late we'd have to be up. All thigns considered, it wasn't bad. We had it called by 5am - which is certainly on the early side of what I had predicted.

Oh my goodness, I still can't quite believe it. After all the polling, and all the preliminary voting, it boggles my mind that this time we actually voted him into office. He just won the presidency! President Barack Obama. It just feels good.

Yes we can. Yes we can. Yes, we did. And yes, we can.


Lizzie said...

YAY!! I know, soooo exciting! Katie and I watched it at a bar because we don't have cable right now. and everyone in the bar jumped up and down and cheered as if the Red Sox had won the World Series or something.

leah said...

It is seriously amazing! I'm so fricken happy! I probably would have thrown up if McCain won.

Emily said...

President Obama- I love saying it! There were crazy parties on my block when they announced he had won. Everyone was out in the street celebrating! I'm glad I was here to experience it :)