That's the pumpkin Ben and I carved after dragging it home from our new favorite grocery store a mile a way. Seriously, The Giant is SOOOO much better than Safeway. We are very happy lol.
Anyways, I shall back up. Three weekends ago (if you include this one), my parents came to visit. We did tourist-y things without being too tourist-y. For example, we walked around Georgetown and M Street, which is an area filled with ultra pricey fancy shops (Dior, Armani, etc) and then walked along the waterfront. We also went on a canal boat ride, spur of the moment, and drank some bubble tea.

The following week I got to stay in a fancy hotel again (I think this was after that weekend although it might have been right before) for free! When Ben's office puts on conferences we get to stay in the hotels for free, all amenities included. Super nice! Free room service and hot tubs and pools! Yay.
Then, last weekend I went camping. In the rain. In the fog. In the cold. I went with a couple friends from work and one of their friends from college. It was really fun though. Since we live in or around DC it was quite a trek to get there - about 2-2.5 hours away in the Shenandoah National Park (anyone heard of SkyLine Drive?). However, since it was so foggy we couldn't see 2 feet in front of us, and therefore, there was no beautiful scenery to be seen. Anwyays, we set up the tent in the rain and wind, and then tried to build a fire. We succeeded long enough to roast 4 marshmallows (one for each of us) and then we all went to bed in the center of the tent, as not to get dripped on by the pouring rain. However, we all woke up at 7 am and decided we had to go home because we were all freezing and soaked. haha. So we spent a total of like 8 hours at the site. We all went to the mall afterwards looking like complete bums and then Katie (one of the girls from work) made us breakfast at her house. Then I watched Iron Man, which was actualy a pretty good movie.
This past week was Ben and my 3 year anniversary, but we haven't done anything to celebrate it yet. We plan on going out to dinner tonight at a neat fancy-ish place called Zaytinya, which has things like fancy falafels.
We didn't do anything for Halloween really, besides carve the pumpkin. We had candy for trick-or-treaters, but no one came so we ate it all ourselves!! :) It was a good night though.
Now, once Ben wakes up we are off to trek to the amazing Giant, grab some breakfast (perhaps at the Tastee Diner) and then Ben is going off to campaign for Barack Obama with Will Cusey (from Skidmore).
Oh, also good news! I got a two dollar an hour raise! Because apparently, I am a real "Wizbang" lol.
In a recap, recently I've been:
listening to: Ingrid Michaelson
watching: Big Love and Jeopardy every night!
reading: The Lovely Bones, by Alice Sebold
wearing: scrubs every single day! (and warm clothes because it even gets to the low 30s around here!)
yay that all sounds fun! I had a fun Halloween, Katie and I went out dancing: she was an under-the-bed-monster and I was a dust bunny, haha. Her boy person (not really a boyfriend, YET) dressed as a monster hunter and surprised her (of course I was involved with the planning), it was so cute! Halloween's her favorite holiday so it was a really nice thing for him to do.
Pictures will be on Facebook soon
Woo sounds like you are having so much fun! I can't wait to see you again! Congrats on the raise!
Everything sounds so exciting!! You seem to be having a great time in DC, and I'm so happy for you :) And it looks as if it all involves bubble tea, which is even more exciting!
I'm proud as always to know our dear Mr. Yelin. Can't wait for Tuesday!
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