Sunday, August 10, 2008


Hey guys,

Lizzie came up with the bright idea (as I was also contemplating) of spending one of the days of our reunion exploring the Long Island vineyards, visiting a goat farm, and and just generally relaxing by the sea. Is anyone else up for a day away from the city and closer to the ocean?


claire said...

That sounds lovely! I'm totally in.

Lauren said...

Sounds good. Do you by any chance know what day this would occur on? I need to schedule an interview on the Upper West Side for either Saturday or Sunday and if anyone knows what our tentative plans are for the weekend, please let me know!

Lady Strike said...

Yeah. Ben and I need to catch a train Sunday night. (Ben wouldn't be coming with us, but that would mean I would need to come back sooner from Long Island to the city if we went on Sunday). Would Sunday work for everyone? If Cait is okay with it, I could maybe spend Saturday in LI with (coming into LI with Emily and Lizzie)spend the night in LI at Cait's house, then maybe head back to the city on Sunday morning (with or without everyone)?

Lady Strike said...

I meant would saturday in LI work for everyone?

claire said...

Saturday would be better than Sunday for me, because I have to catch the train up to Saratoga at 3:20 on Sunday afternoon.

I'm sooooo excited!!