Hey there my chick-a-dees,
Well, I’m almost home… We’ve stopped in Columbia, Missouri for the night, after a long day of driving across 4 states. It rained all the time I was driving, which was slightly sleep inducing, but as soon as my mum took over driving it cleared up and was smooth sailing until dinner. Humph. But tomorrow we’re heading out at 6am, so we should be able to get home by dinner time, and then we’ll finally get a break.
That’s about as exciting as it gets around here. Pretty much I spend my days driving and missing you all and wondering each time the song changes on the radio if it’s going to be safe or if it will make me cry and I’ll need to change the channel in a panic.
And I’ve only caught “4 Minutes” once this whole trip, which is terribly disappointing.
But now I must sleep if I intend on being conscious while driving in the morning.
Love you all,
great title!
I hope the rest of your trip goes well.
let us know when you make it to CO
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