Thursday, August 27, 2009

Tony - Disneyworld and Beard off

Hey all,

I haven't updated in a while so I thought that I'd bring everyone up to speed. First, my apologies for the previous post entitled "disneyworld." I was drunk when I started writing it and must have screwed something up because there's no text to go with it. Whatever I did write was promptly forgotten by my intoxicated brain which is probably for the best as I was very likely to shame Mickey in my inebriated state.

At any rate, Leah and I did go to Disneyworld in mid August with my family. I won't go into details, but it was a kick-ass vacation. I'm sure Leah will post pictures at some point which would serve better than a long winded explanation. If any of you guys plan on going to the happiest place on earth, Leah and I can give you expert advice.

In other news, the fall semester at Cornell started today. I'm not taking any classes, but I'm TAing a course. I had to teach a third of it today which was kind of cool even though it felt like standing naked in front of 100 people while they gawked at you.

The real reason I'm posting is to notify you guys that I've entered a very serious competition. A challenge to determine the manliest of men. That's right, I'm having a beard off. Last night at midnight I shaved my face for the last time. A month from now, me and other challengers will compare beards in a variety of categories to determine which man is the most beardly. Its going to be intense. I chugged 4 raw eggs for breakfast this morning to get to an early start. I'll keep you all updated on the status of this most manly of competitions.



claire said...

Now, what are these categories in which you'll be judged? I'm a little scared to imagine what they could be. And who is the governing body to determine beardliness? Is it amongst yourselves? Or have you put together an independent system for the ruling?

Lizzie said...

hahah some of the boys in my peace corps group wanted to do that too but they haven't yet. one of my friends says he isn't gonna cut his hair for the two years but i told him he'd probably end up with a mullet and therefore give in and cut it. please post a picture of you progress.

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Hi,we enjoyed your blog,congratulation!