Wednesday, February 18, 2009

oh hai....

Hi everyone! I'm soo sorry about not posting/commenting for so long. I'm not gonna lie, I forget this thing exists sometimes because I feel like I talk to you guys enough to know what's going on, but now that I've actually read the blog I realize I'm completely out of the loop! Gretchen has a car??? Anyway, I loved reading all your posts but I wouldn't blame you for not reading this to get your revenge for me being so laaaaame. Now that I know people are posting I will check more I promise!

Anyway, I don't want to write a huge long thing because honestly not that much has been happening lately besides teacher related things that you really won't find interesting. So, I'll just summarize the good stuff with a list...

1. I am in Maine right now for 2 days on my Februrary break. It's very boring here because none of my friends are home but I've had a good time seeing my parents. When I was home at Christmas it looked like my Dad was going to get a job (finally!) but sadly it ended up not working out. I told him to open an ice cream stand and he laughed. Why can't my parents be ambitious like Cait's?

2. I haven't done anything too exciting lately besides hang out in NY. I had some friends visit who studied abroad with me and we went to see Daniel Radcliffe in Eqqus! He was very good and verrry naked! It's too damn cold to do anything all that exciting!

3. I've been working on figuring out my future life plans, as of right now I think I'll be staying in NYC another year at PS 66 to get some more "street cred" for my resume and so I can stay living with Kasey while she is finishing her two year commitment to TFA. Then I want to take time off to get my master's, probably in Boston or DC! My life plan changes a lot though and there is a slight possibility I will be heading to New Zealand with my friend from high school!

4. I'm planning some trips for April to visit Gretchen and maybe go to Martha's Vineyeard with Lizzie! I also am plotting my end of school getaway. My options include: Mexico, Ireland, Aruba, Disney, Dominican Republic, Paris. I also will definitely want to spend some time in Maine at the camp and I really hope we can all go out there together! I think I'm going to be teaching summer school in July, but I will have three day weekends if I do. I will also have the whole month of August off. We'll figure something out! I CAN'T WAIT FOR SUMMER

5. School life has been crazy and stressful, as usual, but I'm getting used to it now. There is currently a ravarly going on between the 4th and 5th grade. One of my students was suspended for starting a brawl out on the playground last week. She left bite marks on some kids! We have the state math tests coming up so I'll I've been teaching lately is math. After that we have the state science tests blah blah I won't go into it more than that. Some exciting news is that I might be working with one of the other teachers to put on a show at the end of the year. She wants to do Hairspray! I'm happy to do anything with the kids that doesn' t involve standardized tests at this point.

Wow it's hard to do a good update when you're trying to remember what's been happening over the past 3-4 months! I promise I'll be better! Don't un-friend me! I miss you all and can't wait for another reunion!


Lizzie said...

you didn't mention your visit to Boston!! i'm hoping you just forgot and didn't omit it because you didn't have fun or anything.

ps on a different note, i think we should start an LOL Penguins website

Emily said...
