I don't have too much to update you on, but I am alone in Durham for the week (Mark had to drive to FL for a family emergency) and since my only friend here is a 2 year old, I am quite bored. In somewhat big news, my life plan has changed. I am still hoping to get married in the next few years, but I am no longer having children anytime soon, as a result of spending 40 hours a week with a toddler. I love the little guy, but I realize I should wait until I am at least 27 or 28! Additionally, I have decided that after I live in NYC, I am going to move to North Carolina. Although a month ago I would have said that I hated NC, I now love it. Not so much Durham...but the areas around Raleigh are great. Things are so much cheaper here, the weather is fantastic despite the heat, AND Locopops can cater my wedding (which is clearly the most important reason!) Oh yes, and how can I forget...there is a SUSHI THAI. Same name, same hosomaki combo, but better sushi! I never knew the JB roll is really called a Japanese Bagel roll. The salad dressing is lacking, I must admit, buttttt they have a bar that is shaped like a giant sushi boat. It is amazing!
Other than that, not too much is new. DC was very fun last weekend and I LOVE their metro system. It makes me sort of sad that I must go on the subways of NYC now, but hopefully I will learn to love them too (doubtful!).
Anyway, I love you all and cannot wait to see a lot of you in late August. I can't believe it's only a few weeks away!
OMG - life plan changes! So the child bearing age may be a bit later, but the real questions is are you still stuck on white carpet?
And who would have ever thought you'd love NC?! Hooray that you do though, that should work out pretty darn well. Though not quite as easy for me to pop by for a visit as if you were closer to NYC, but I suppose you can't plan your whole life around me :) At least there will be locopops!
ANDdddddd (because we haven't actually spoken in ages, so I MUST react to everything, clearly) you have Sushi Thai?!?!?!? I have been craving a Sushi Thai salad for an entire week now, and I can't seem to get it to go away. Thank goodness I'll be back at Skidmore soon and can satisfy my deep hunger for ginger dressing.
ooo locopops!! sounds like the best wedding EVER. I hope I'm around for it.
When you first said "life plan change" i thought you were gonna say something about not wanting to be a teacher now or something. but i fully agree with your new life plan, sounds good to me.
see you soon!
O i guess my comment didn't work! But ! cant wait to see you soon and i hope everythings okay with Mark. Whats the name of your town again?
I can't wait to see you soon too! Mark is okay and came back home yesterday!! My hometown is Washington. There are two Washingtons in NJ...my zipcode is 07882. My address is 9 Merlin Drive. I also forgot to mention that the train going into the city is around 17 bucks for roundtrip. I don't know how that compares to the train from Long Island or anything, but I just wanted to mention it so you know!!
I just realized we could also drive to a train station that is closer to the city so we don't have to pay that much. I'll have to look into it!
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