So here’s another snippet of my trip. We left off at me seeing Pablo and finally having closure. Friday the 6th I went to my friends’ apartment to eat pizza then we went out dancing. At the disco I went up to the bar to get a drink and a guy asked me to get his drink for him because girls always get drinks before guys. So he starts talking to me and asks me where I’m from. When I say the
Saturday I went to my friend Danny’s house for an asado (Argentine barbecue) with all his family. I was going to go out with my sister and my friend Emi but Anabel (my sister) was robbed so she didn’t have money or her ID and my friend Emi’s grandma has cancer so she went to go see her. So my birthday night didn’t turn out exactly as planned, but Anabel and I did go for a drink after
Sunday (my birthday) I slept, watched Enchanted with my family, ate empanadas and then went out to dinner with my best friends. Afterwards Anabel and I went to get a drink at a bar. Ana was flirting and waving with a group of guys in the corner, so when Danny came she went and sat with them. She came back a half-hour later and the boys left. The waitress asked us if we were with those guys, we say no, and then she tells us they left without paying, hahah. Of course we didn’t have to pay, but it was kind of a funny situation.
So, anywhoo, during the day I just kinda hung out, shopped and drank mate with friends. I bought beautiful leather boots, a leather bag, and a purple shiny leather wallet that I absolutely fell in love with for myself and some other things. So on Wednesday I did “parapentes” which I think translates as paragliding although Chris told Cait and I that it’s really parasailing even though I wasn’t attached to a boat. Basically I ran and jumped off a cliff with a guide attached to me and we flew down in a parachute-type thing. But, me being the clumsy person I am, I fell on the first attempt. As in, I tripped and fell into gravel and bushes before I got to the edge of the cliff haha. So, we tried again and there was more wind so we were already flying before we reached the edge of the cliff. Horacio, the “pilot” told me I was very brave because when that happens to most people they usually decide not to try again. It was great though! I have a few bruises on my legs to show for it and I ripped the front of the sweatpants but whatever, we’ll call them souvenirs. We flew for about 15 minutes, the cliff is 2997 ft tall. And then when we landed I lost my footing and landed on my butt, Horacio laughed at me, saying I landed in the same style I took off, haha. I took lots of pictures and a video which I’ll be putting on facebook next. here's one picture here:

OK when I get another moment, I’ll write about the second part of my trip.
PS I'm pissed because I went to visit my brother at work today and Mariska Hargitay from Law and Order SVU was there eating while I was there and he didn't tell me, grrrrr!!
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