Thursday, January 22, 2009

Caitlin - Waiting for the Big Moment

So, I'll be the first to admit that I haven't posted in a long time. The problem was I didn't have much to say. I didn't want to bore you all with a summary of my life. Wake up while it's dark, go to work, write at my computer, take phone calls from annoying authors whom none of you would be familiar with, make popcorn around 3 PM, maybe get some beers after work and call it dinner, go home and watch "House Hunters" until I fall asleep. Boring, right?

I waiting until I could give you something worth knowing about. So here it is. The piece de resistance.

Fuck yeah, bitches. That's a 9 mm Glock handgun.

Now I tended to shoot over the left shoulder, but many people have assured me that even Jack Bauer has that problem.

I went to Mississippi and went to this place, Mitch's. Basically Mitch has a junk house in the middle of bumblefuck Aberdeen, MS. You can go inside, and for $5 and without any ID, prior gun experience, or even proving your mental capacity, borrow any one of his guns. He has the entire Glock series, hunting rifles, revolvers, and a fully automatic AK-47. You take the gun outside, and shoot it into some dirt piles. For .60, you can nail a target into a wood block and take your shot at that.

In more wholesome news, for those that don't already know, my father is in the process of opening an ice cream and coffee shop. Much of my time when I'm not at work or passed out in front of HGTV, I am watching informative videos about espresso machines, batch freezers, dipping cases. It's moving slowly, but by the time Lizzie comes back from the peace corp, there should be ice cream.

I miss you all - can we see each other soon?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Okay, I've been convinced...-gretchen

Hello all,

I gave in to Tony's pressure and here I am.


Ben bought a car! It is very sensible (good gas mileage), logical (low low miles), and very nice -- moon roof and all! Here's a picture (basically); Ben's car is an 2002 Honda Civic EX not an LX. So, that is exciting.

Inauguration is coming up and that is very exciting. On Sunday DC is putting on a crazy free concert at the Lincoln Memorial with Stevie Wonder, Bono, Bruce Springsteen, Beyonce, Jamie Foxx, Queen Latifah, etc. I mean probably a million people will be there, but it will be cool to even see them as specks in the distance.

Then, the actual inaguration will also be super awesome (and crowded and cold--but awesome!). I am very excited about that. Saturday through Tuesday Ben's friends will be staying here for it, as well. It is going to be a very busy crazy time.

I am also excited about Lauren and Mark spending the night on Friday!!! :)

And now for the strange piece medical news of the month:

Does everyone know what a Nuvaring is? Well, it is a "once monthly vaginal ring" used for birth control. You stick it up your vagina and your good for the month. ("Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Every Dayyyyyyy) . Anyways, some girl called and said she thinks she accidentally put it in the wrong hole. No one believed her (seriously how could you mistake it?), but to soothe her we let her come in. They gave her a sonogram, and what do you know, she somehow stuck the NuvaRing into her urethra and it was lodged in her bladder! Oh the horror! I don't even know how she did that.

Well, that's all I really have to say for now. Right now it seems like Emily and Leah might visit in April. All others are welcome that weekend as well. Since it is so far away, of course, there will be more to update on that subject at a later time. I miss you all! Talk to you soon.

Tony - Killing Time

Hey All,

I've got some free time tonight so I thought I'd post about the mundane details of my life. My first inclination when I saw this blog was to rant about how only Leah, Claire, Lizzie and I have bothered to post anything recently, but that would be beneath me. I mean, its not my place to accuse anyone of not keeping in touch with their college friends. I'm too nice to make anyone feel guilty about that. Its true that it only takes a few minutes to post on this blog, but that doesn't mean I should complain that you guys haven't. I'm not going to name names either. It would simply be inappropriate to say that I haven't heard much from Lauren, Emily, Caitlin, Erin, Andy, and Gretchen in months. Thats why this post is going to be all about me.

I'm rotating in a new lab now. This one focuses on a cell's response to heat. The lab is kind of big and impersonal, but I get to plan my own experiments which is pretty exciting. I'll let you guys know how it turns out after I get used to it. My new years eve was spent with Leah and my brother at a dive bar with free drinks. In other words, it was perfect. I'm taking Leah skiing in a few weeks which should be fun. Other than that, not much new to report. My only two concerns in life are figuring out a weekend in which to visit Skidmore and determining whether soaking my phone in distilled water will stop the keys from sticking or break it.

I hope everyone is fine. I would love to know what you all are doing.


My Boy - Leah


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Only in Kenya

this is why you should come visit me in kenya

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Happy Belated Holidays!
So, I'm done with that job I was working at and am now unemployed. I'm hoping that changes soon, although I did sell my car for $3600 so even if I can't find a job before June I will have enough money to pay rent until then. One of my friends from Buenos Aires came to visit me so that distracted me from thinking about not having a job. She came on Christmas Eve and left today. I had a fun time showing her around the island and Boston.

We went to the Sam Adam's Brewery two days ago. The beer tasting was longer than the tour, which is the way it should be in my opinion. For a $2 donation to some charity, you get to taste three beers (the boston lager, one of their seasonal beers which was their winter lager this time, and a "special" beer that can't be bought in stores and that changes all the time) and keep the tasting glass. I will definitely go back with anyone that comes to visit me.

New Years was pretty fun although VERY cold and snowy. My friend and I went to a club with my housemates and danced the night away. It was fun, but not really worth the high price we paid for the ticket. One of my housemates had purposely bought extra tickets in case we decided to invite more people. He ended up having 4 extra and scalping them because there were desperate people who needed tickets last minute. We used the profit for our drinks, so at least we didn't have to buy drinks at all.

Through the Peace Corps I have a free subscription to Rosetta Stone to start learning Swahili, so maybe every post I'll put a random word in Swahili. I haven't started yet, so I'll wait until next time.

I hope everyone's doing well! I'll see some of you in February!